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Understanding DiSC can help you have better meetings

An overview of how each DiSC stye may prefer to take part in virtual meetings
DiSC style preference when meeting virtually

Poorly run meetings have always been problematic. At best they are an unnecessary waste of time and at worst can have a serious impact on engagement, motivation and ultimately results. During this time, when more people are working remotely, there has been an understandable rush to continue the meeting culture via video conferencing. Anecdotally, I've been seeing people posting about having more meetings than they would normally have when present in the office. Some of this may be an understandable desire to stay in touch, however, if people are to remain productive at home then good meeting practice should prevail.

One of the core underlying principles of the DiSC behavioural model is that every style is of equal value and that no one style is any better than any other. However, people are different and using a 'one size fits all' approach to running meetings is not effective.

Knowing the DiSC style of your colleagues, and adapting your approach accordingly, can help make sure that everyone remains engaged, is able to contribute and the meeting is more productive. The diagram above describes some of the core differences in style that may be worth considering.

Those with a D (Dominance) style tend to prefer getting straight to the point and may prefer a structured approach with a clear purpose, agenda and a drive towards outcomes.

People with am i (Influence) style thrive on social interaction. They may need some time set aside to engage in general conversation, express their opinions and be given the space to contribute. They may be appreciative of some time set aside before or after the meeting for a general catch up with their colleagues.

The S (Steadiness) styles value collaboration and supporting others. They may feel most comfortable when they have been given a chance to prepare for the meeting in advance and, during the meeting, are actively invited to share their thoughts and opinions.

Finally, those with a C (Conscientiousness) style tend not to enjoy situations where they are rushed or pressured into making decisions. They may value their privacy and some may appreciate the option to not have their webcams enabled.

Once you know the style of the participants, you will be in a position to consider ways in which you can effectively engage everyone in the meeting and ensure that everyone feels valued and fully able to contribute.

More information about the ways in which understanding DiSC can help you have more productive meetings are also available on the Everything DiSC Blog, Make The Most of Meetings Using Work Style.

A free quick quiz to identify your DiSC style is available here, and if you'd like to take a full DiSC assessment please do get in touch.

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