The full DiSC profiles provide detailed and personalised information based on the self-assessment taken. Each of the 4 styles - Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness - is broken down further in to three sub-sections. So, your style may be a 'D' style but it may equally report a preference for behavioural characteristics from either the 'I' or 'C' style - this returns a style such as a 'Di' or 'DS'. Basically, a primary style with tendencies towards one of the others as well.
Here's a quick snapshot of the tendencies of the four basic styles:

Priorities: Getting immediate results, taking action, challenging self and others
Motivated by: power & authority, competition, winning, success
Fears: loss of control, being taken advantage of, vulnerability
You will notice: self confidence, directness, forcefulness, risk-taking
Limitations: lack of concern for others, impatience, insensitivity

Priorities: expressing enthusiasm, taking action, encouraging collaboration
Motivated by: social recognition, group activities, friendly relationships
Fears: social rejection, disapproval, loss of influence, being ignored
You will notice: charm, enthusiasm, sociability, optimism, talkativeness
Limitations: impulsiveness, disorganisation, lack of follow--through

Priorities: giving support, maintaining stability, enjoying collaboration
Motivated by: stable environments, sincere appreciation, co-operation, opportunities to help
Fears: loss of stability, change, loss of harmony, offending others
You will notice: patience, team player, calm approach, humility, good listener
Limitations: overly accommodating, tendency to avoid change, indecisiveness

Priorities: ensuring accuracy, maintaining stability, challenging assumptions
Motivated by: opportunities to use expertise or gain knowledge, attention to quality
Fears: criticism, slipshod methods, being wrong
You will notice: precision, analysis, scepticism, reserve, quiet
Limitations: overly critical, tendency to over analyse, isolates self
Do you recognise yourself?