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How does my Everything DiSC Administrative Account account work?​


For a one-off set up fee of £175.00 + VAT, you have access to your own online portal, hosted on Wiley's EPIC system, that allows you to fully administer and manage your own distribution of DiSC profiles in your own organisation or with your own clients.


Profiles are purchased using EPIC credits - your own DiSC currency! Credits are a cost-effective way to buy access to all of the profiles and will help you to make the most of your budget. There are no minimum orders and credits never expire. EPIC account holders are offered a reduced rate for credits.


It is the ideal solution for those who want to control and manage DiSC assessments within their organisation or for trainers and facilitators who wish to offer DiSC assessments to their own clients. 


An administrative account is available to anyone who needs to manage the distribution of DiSC assessments - either within an organisation or on behalf of their clients. 


Once set up, you can rest assured that we will give you as much support as you need to get started, and are always available to support you. Every account has access to the full suite of Everything DiSC and Five Behaviours assessments. 


What can I do with my administrative account?​


  • Benefit from a discounted rate for EPIC credits

  • Distribute access codes within your organisation for the full range of DiSC and Five Behaviours assessments

  • Decide whether to offer access to Workplace, Agile EQ and Management via our Catalyst platform or using the standard pdf reports

  • Fully tailor the emails that are sent by the system to your participants

  • Set automatic reminders to prompt your participants to complete the self-assessment

  • Control whether participants see their reports immediately on completion or withhold until a later date

  • Monitor completion of self-assessments

  • View, save and download profiles

  • Customise and brand DiSC profiles with your own information and company logo

  • Produce supplementary team, comparison and facilitator reports

  • Enable multiple administrators to manage the account meaning each organisation only needs one account that they can share across departments

Getting started with your EPIC Account


EPIC is the administrative system for Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviours. Once you have your login details, this tutorial will show you around the system, help you manage your personal settings and talk you through the basics of issuing access codes and generating reports.


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