The suite of DiSC behaviour profiling tools is used extensively throughout organisations as a way of generating conversations which are aimed at developing workplace relationships through improved communication and using the knowledge of individuals’ behavioural tendencies to develop competence in roles that require high levels of interaction such as leadership, sales and management.
A recent client initially introduced DiSC using the Workplace profile as a method of improving personal understanding, recognising the style of fellow team members and creating an environment where flexing your style became commonplace to develop relationships. The language of DiSC was referred back to during the suite of training that was provided in the following months to help create a common language.

At the end of the DiSC sessions, everyone was encouraged to produce a small postcard that showed their DiSC style and the suggested ways in which others could interact with them more effectively. Each person was also given lifetime access to which provides more learning resources plus the opportunity to create comparison reports with others in the company to receive more personalised suggestions on how a relationship can be more productive.
Immediately following the training there was an initial ‘buzz’ around the profiles as people started to speak the language of DiSC, However, over time this has understandably diminished and there is now an opportunity to re-ignite the tool to ensure that a return on investment continues to be made. The aim of any further work with DiSC must be to encourage conversations around behaviour preferences at every opportunity, ideally led by the senior members of the team. DiSC shouldn’t be seen as a passing ‘fad’ and it needs to be recognised as a legitimate business tool where the key aim is improving relationships both internally and externally.
Based on our experience working with other organisations, the following are some suggested ways in which DiSC can be further embedded in the organisation.
Review DiSC profiles as part of team meetings, encouraging people to share their profiles and identify clear ways in which they could work more effectively together by the way in which they act, communicate, present and share information.
Encourage team members to create Comparison Reports, through with their direct manager and their peers. These reports provide tailored suggestions on how individuals could work more effectively.
At the formation of project teams, review the DiSC profiles of those in the team and agree the best ways to ensure that communication and information is shared.
Train key people in the business to become certified ‘Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitators’ as a way of enhancing the expertise around the tools, the science that underpins them and becomes self-sufficient in providing DiSC solutions.
Use further, role-specific, DiSC profiles as part of ongoing training and development. For example,
Work of Leaders supports the senior leadership team in setting a vision, creating alignment to that vision and executing the strategy.
Everything DiSC Management provides specific guidance on motivating others, delegating effectively, managing upwards and supporting the learning and development of team members.
Everything DiSC Sales gives those in outward-focused roles the opportunity to consider their own approach and evaluate the buying styles of individuals so that they can use this to progress a sales more effectively. is exceptionally useful for supporting this in that it provides a quick way to analyse buyers and tips on tailoring your approach accordingly.
The Productive Conflict profile recognises that conflict exists in many forms and when it is embraced and managed appropriately it can be a significant force for good - promoting creativity, reducing tensions and developing stronger relationships. This profile doesn’t provide conflict management strategies but does allow individuals to consider their triggers and responses.
The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team is a programme, powered by DiSC, that specifically works with teams to assess their performance against five core behaviours culminating in business results. It is based on the work of Patrick Lencioni (The Five Dysfunctions of a Team) which explores how teams at all levels can work more effectively together.
It is not suggested that DiSC becomes the ‘go-to’ solution in every instance but the more it is used and talked about the more likely it is to become embedded as a common language.
We have recently been working with a global airline who have used Everything DiSC Sales as part of their sales development programme. The personal insights and practical nature of the tool have resulted in the language becoming used throughout the commercial organisation as a way of strengthening relationships with customers and partners. The DiSC profile of the customer is included as part of their Account Development Plans to ensure that information is provided in the most appealing format. Managers regularly ask their teams for information about customers’ DiSC styles and coach their salespeople in using this information in a positive way to quickly enhance business relationships. The initial implementation was over 18 months ago and DiSC is alive and kicking as part of their sales tool kit. Subsequently, other areas of the business have recognised the power of the profiles and are starting to roll-out some of the solutions listed above to address their own development needs. This is creating a common language and understanding across the whole business.